Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm Out

The Truth conference here is just 3 weeks away, and as of today I have completely removed myself from every aspect of it. I was going to help out where needed on the day of the conference, despite my distaste for some of the comments made by Kevin Barrett about Amy Goodman and others (he hopes to see them tried for war crimes and publicly hung). But looking deeper into his thoughts on the Holocaust, I am sickened. I was already aware of the email in which he referred to Holocaust education as a "destructive myth" and said he could "not dismiss the claims of Green, Irving, even Zundel". That was bad enough. Now I have learned that, when he was still head of the Muslim Jewish Christian Alliance, he regularly posted the boy-who-cried-wolf "false flag operation" warnings of Captain Eric May... a guy who writes about "the Jewish problem" and the "Zionist-controlled media".
He also (in a Feb. 2007 newsletter) referenced Bin Laden's denial of 9/11 involvement via and Carol A. Valentine. This website is full of Holocaust revisionist links (Barnes Review, IHR, Zundelsite, etc.) and features a page on "The American Coup d'Etat and the War for Jewish Supremacy". The most disturbing aspect of this is that Barrett could have gotten the same info from a number of non-revisionist sites, including Prison Planet and

An anti-Truther in the area has already contacted the conference venue to warn them that a "Holocaust Denier" will be in attendance, and he reports (truthfully?) that the venue owners will halt the conference if any Holocaust-related statements are uttered. This has caused some stress to R. and the other promoters, who hired Barrett strictly for his 9/11 expertise. R. points out to me, correctly, that Barrett is scheduled to speak about covert operations in relation to 9/11, not WWII or anything related to it. That's true. It is also true that Barrett founded and headed the MUJCA as an interfaith organization, that he denies being anti-Semitic and has even expressed disdain for anti-Semitism.
But I am deeply, deeply disturbed by the number of connections between Barrett and the revisionist/denialist movement. I want no part of this conference and will not be attending or supporting it in any way from this day forward. Whatever R. and the other organizers decide to do about this is their own business; R. is planning to call an emergency meeting and put Barrett's participation in the conference to a vote.

My decision is made.

1 comment:

tshsmom said...

"HIRED" Barrett?
I thought truthers were in this for the good of the movement, not monetary gain? *gasp*