Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Banned Fer Life

RD was offended and bummed out that 911Blogger wouldn't publicize the conference; was he being blacklisted for some reason? I didn't think so. I knew that Barrett bad been removed from the 911Blogger blogroll back in May of this year, so I suspected this involved only Barrett.

And I was right. The administrator, "Reprehensor" (who, it turns out, met RD at the Vancouver conference a couple years ago), phoned RD today to explain that three people have been permanently blacklisted from 911Blogger:

1. Bill Deagle. For being an all-around whackjob. Talks about bioplasmatic astral entities, micronukes bringing down the World Trade Center towers, and modified attack baboons. Claims he's one of the two witnesses described in the book of Revelation, and that Pindar the Reptilian Overlord asked him to be his understudy on three occasions.
2. Alfred Webre. For believing in ultra-weird sh** like "time travel whistleblowers" and the "black nobility" (Danish and Belgian Satanists who secretly control almost everything). I asked him to clarify his definition of the Black Nobility in Vancouver, and he just mumbled something like, "Well, um, they're Danish. And they're Satanists." Later he called me an "accessory after the fact to war crimes" because I questioned his contention that chemtrails are designed to make people more suggestible. (He told us at the conference that Vancouver had been sprayed heavily in the days leading up to the conference. Never mind that wind patterns and ever-changing atmospheric conditions wouldn't make such controlled spraying easy or at all practical.)
3. Kevin Barrett. For dissing the site on at least one occasion, co-hosting a radio show with Professor Jim "Holographic Airplanes" Fetzer, and having guests like John Lear and Laura Knight-Jadczyk (an alleged alien contactee/cult leader/scam artist) on his shows.

RD was surprised by the inclusion of Webre, because he was actually quite impressed by Webre's plan to set up a Citizen's 9/11 Tribunal. Nothing has come of that concept so far, however, and when I told RD more about Webre's beliefs in the Black Nobility, "walk-ins" (people who are possessed by aliens), time-travel whistleblowers, children who can kill with the power of their minds, etc., he finally decided it would be best to remove the dude from his Facebook list.

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