Friday, December 5, 2008

"Its the Law" [sic].

Well, RD has lessened his Truth activities considerably, but of course he's still going to various rallies and town hall meetings and whatnot to spread the word. And he's still getting crazy-ass emails from associates and friends. Today RD woke me by announcing that one Truther aquaintance, Wayne in British Columbia, had just been informed that he will be arrested the next time he enters the U.S. How did he know this? A "federal agent", possibly a U.S. Marshal, had sent an email to John Boncourt (Splitting the Sky, formerly known as John Hill) to inform him, and STS had forwarded the email to RD and others. I was totally alarmed, of course.

But then the story got weirder and weirder as I listened to RD, and it completely unravelled when I read the email for myself. It turns out that whoever wrote this isn't *exactly* working in any official capacity. Following are some excerpts from the email, misspellings and funky capitaliziation intact. Supposedly this guy, who calls himself Tim McNiven, had set up a meeting with Wayne. But then he goes on to say the meeting would be illegal. The rest of the email in no way clarifies any of this nonsense; I don't know what the 1976 "Military Study" could be or why McNiven thinks he can have unofficial military and/or federal business with anyone, and frankly I'm not very interested. This whole situation is as silly and hoaxy as a freakin' Jackalope.

"I am a United States Federal Agent and you donot have the Legal Authority to conduct business in concerns to my US Military Mission; setting up this meeting with Wayne constitutes a Federal Felony and you must remember in the future that you have no say in anything that has to do with my US Federal Business, its the Law. At this time I have no US Federal Business with Wayne or the American 9-11 truthers; I am performing the Duties of my US Military Mission that I received the Non-Rescindable Orders for during the 1976 US Military Study which has top priority. After I have finished it, I can then begin Arresting those who have Sabotaged my Mission; it is a US Federal Felony to Sabotage a US Military Mission during a time of War and the Censorship of my information by Kevin Barrett, David Ray Griffin, Robin Hordon, Jim Fetzer, Kyle Hence, Les Jamison, Luke Rudkowski, Janice Matthews and the rest of the American 9-11 truthers constitutes Sabotage of a US Military Mission during a time of War; just because it is "my" US Military Mission doesnot mean it isnot governed under US Federal Law. The next US Federal Business I will be having with Wayne is issuing an Arrest Warrant for him as a Coconspirator to the Acts of Treason that Kevin Barrett and the other American 9-11 truthers have committed and to seek his extradition to America to stand Trial."

Then it actually gets weirder and even less coherent...

"Last year I had considered making a video of my US Military Study information to post online for "free" and contacted Robin Hordon since he was an old Air Traffic Controller to discuss the information the US Government gave to Civilians about the Air Security System and what the Government told us in the Military. During the Study we were told how the US Government could get around the Air Security System. Instead of answering my questions he sent me pages of his "personal" life philosophy. After two weeks of me trying to get a straight answer from him instead of more and more pages of his continued "personal" life philosophy he told me that he hadnot read any of the information I had sent him. He deliberately wasted my time and Sabotaged my US Military Mission which is the Federal Felony of Treason. I am a US Federal Agent whether Robin Hordon likes it or not and he is a Traitor according to US Federal Law for what he did. (What does being told about the love lives of the 9-11 truthers have to do with revealing the "truth" about the 9-11-01 Attacks?"

Now, Robin Hordon is a complete ass. He's just about the most paranoid fucktard I've ever met, and that's saying a lot. Earlier this year, when we visited him, he was all peace-and-granola friendly. Then, a few months later, RD gave an interview to the dreaded Mainstream Media which (surprise surprise) was transformed into a fluff/hit piece about the Truth movement in general, characterizing it as "cheap entertainment". Hordon was suddenly furious with RD, sending him so many hateful and bizarre emails that I pled with RD to block him. He accused RD of being "COINTELPRO". The real FBI COINTELPRO ended before I was even born, but Truthers and sundry other conspiranoids believe it's still going on. Hordon thinks everyone is COINTELPRO. He admitted to me that he won't work with any Truthers because every Truther in the Pacific Northwest, apparently, is COINTELPRO.
But is Hordon a Traitor for writing frivolous emails and wasting someone's time with them? Hell, I wish! Then I could declare myself a Federal Agent, announce that I'm on unofficial Military Business, and sue everyone who wastes my time with dumbass forwards about bears who adopt kittens.

Anyway, McNiven's main beef seems to be that Truthers are ignoring his own invaluable information: "In 2003 I provided US Federal Court Testimony about US Government 9-11-01 prior knowledge information and had that information proven to be true by the Official US Government Legal Decisions of US Federal Judge Rebreno and US Attorney General John Ashcroft; why have you and the 9-11 truth movement Censored this proven to be true in US Federal Court information?" Apparently, he testified for a RICO lawsuit brought by Ellen Mariani in 2003.

Mariani is a 9/11 widow and Truther who hired Philip J. Berg to represent her in her lawsuit against Bush, Cheney, et. al. Berg is the dude who announced, shortly before the U.S. election, that he would be releasing an audiotape of Obama's paternal grandmother revealing that her grandson was born in Kenya and is, indeed, not a U.S. citizen. So where's the tape? Well, there were, ah, technical difficulties.

McNiven IDs himself only as a "U.S. Federal Agent" in the letter, but on his website Codename Grillfire (which I haven't read in its entirety yet), he says he's a DoD Intelligence operative. Whatever.


Maternal Unit said...

Told ya so!
I started laughing when RD read the first part to me. A US Marshall has no jurisdiction in military matters, so that was the end of the story for me.

Now, when I read the rest of this tripe, I find him stating that private censorship(ignoring his claims) are federal offenses?! If you're trying to scare someone into compliance, get your facts straight about the law! What an IDIOT!

Like I told you: Laugh first, then check the supposed facts. Then laugh some more.

S.M. Elliott said...

Well the only story I heard at first was "Wayne is wanted in the U.S. by a federal agent and I wrote to the federal agent". That's the story that freaked me out. The total-nutcase-harassing-Truthers-because-they-don't-pay-enough-attention-to-him story came later. This dude is massively delusional.
