Sunday, December 7, 2008

"Its the Law" [sic] Part II

This Tim NcNiven thing is getting even stupider. Thankfully, everyone has realized now that he's just a little *off* and they're ignoring him, which of course just makes him angrier. He's convinced that whatever information he holds about airline emergency preparedness and 9/11 is invaluable, and that the Truth movement is deliberately suppressing it.

Anyway, below is an excerpt from an email he sent to RD today (in reply to RD's query about his affiliations). It kinda-sorta explains why he seems to think he's a federal agent:

"I Testified in US Federal Court that I am in fact a US Federal Agent. This was a Federal Felony even before the Patriot Act that the members of the 9-11 truth movement say turned America into a Political Police State like Nazi Germany. The fact that I wasnot Arrest for this Federal Felony is proof that my US Federal Court Testimony was true because if it wasnot I would have been Arrested for Impersonating a US Federal Agent..."

In other words:
1. He testified in court.
2. During his testimony, he made a statement that could be false, and if false would be illegal because it was presumably given under oath.
3. No one arrested him.
4. Therefore, what he said must be true.

If there is other, actual, evidence that McNiven was/is a "US Federal Agent", he seems unwilling to provide it. His whole schtick centers around some 1976 military study and this stupid lawsuit, which I believe was thrown out by the judge at some point.

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