Thursday, January 15, 2009

An Offensive Opinion Piece on an Offensive Opinion Piece

Once again, Kevin Barrett can go fuck himself.

His latest work of art is a short essay entitled "Dead Babies and the Death of the American Dream" (originally published at The New American Dream, reposted at The Liberty Voice). In it, the failed Congressional candidate (who announced to RD that he would "probably win" hours before it was announced that he netted a whopping 3% of the vote) and alleged child-beater briefly waxes ineloquent about Israeli atrocities, then jumps straight into his real complaint: The "Zionist-controlled" media is censoring gory images from Gaza, and the full extent of the bloodbath is only available on Middle Eastern news programs. As these are freely available via satellite, I don't know what the problem is. I also don't know why it would be editorially sound to publish photos of dying children in U.S. newspapers. Sure, if might wake a few people up to the true horrors of war, but it would also decimate your circulation. No one wants to see dead children over their ham and eggs.

But even that's not Barrett's real issue. He goes on to complain more about the Zionist-controlled media, informing us (emphasis in original) that "THE ZIONISTS INTENTIONALLY SLAUGHTER PALESTINIAN CHILDREN AS A MATTER OF OFFICIAL POLICY." As evidence, he cites a comment made by Chris Hedges in his October 2001 Harper’s magazine article. Hedges had observed Israeli soldiers in the Occupied Territories luring children within range of their guns, then "gut-shooting them for sport" (as Barrett puts it). This has surely happened, but I see no reason to conclude that this is official policy.

Barrett also notes that Israeli actions in Gaza are limited to airstrikes because "Zionists are cowards." He goes on to "quote" Europeans who have told him that, "Zionist Jews, and to a lesser extent their Zionist Christian accomplices, control the U.S. media, the Anglo-American financial sector, and almost all American politicians.” His conclusion: " now Zionist-occupied territory." Spoken like a true racial supremacist.

Now, I don't approve of the current Israeli actions in Gaza one bit. Israel has a right to its homeland, but Palestinians have a right to theirs, too. However, I do not blame any of this decades-long turf war on "Zionist cowardice". And I do not believe the media is "Zionist-controlled". Rupert Murdoch is not a Jew and is not particularly Zionist. Ted Turner is definitely neither. The vast majority of America's high-circulation magazines and newspapers are not owned by Jews or Zionists. Yet the "Jewish liberal media" myth just won't go the fuck away, because assclowns like Barrett keep dredging it up.

My problem with Barrett's editorial is that he's being intellectually dishonest, as usual. He isn't upset that the American media is biased. He's upset that the American media doesn't share his bias. If anti-Semitic/anti-Zionist fucktards controlled the media, he would probably be A-OK with that and we'd never hear a peep out of him. And speaking of that... at the end of the essay, Barrett announces his intention to permanently decamp from the U.S.

Yay. Maybe now RD and I can go to Spring Green and see Taliesin instead of having to visit this pompous fuck.

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