Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Days

Militia-style paranoia and pessimism are rampant right now, at least in my neck of the woods.

Former MP Garth Turner has advised every Canadian to purchase firearms, flee to the countryside, and stock up on food.

According to information I've received, Weibo Ludwig is again reaching out to Christians, evidently hoping to add to the number of his followers. Ludwig long ago developed not just a seige mentality, but a remnant mentality: Once the world has been destroyed, his Trickle Creek compound will be the only thing remaining.

Kevin Barrett, as mentioned in my last post, has announced his intention to leave the U.S. permanently, because it is "owned by Zionists".

Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley, et. al. say Obama will be far worse than Bush. Many people I know share this opinion.
According to Jones, Obama has been selected and groomed to usher in the New World Order, which will commence with an unspecified event on January 21st or 22nd (see the vague-ass warnings from Biden and Colin Powell). Murders of political dissidents will begin immediately.

Many people I know also believe the economy was deliberately imploded to bring the U.S. and Canada to its knees. Wages will go down, more draconian laws will be passed, and the Constitution will be further defiled.

The gloom and doom has gotten to me. Yesterday I felt its weight all day. It's not that I believe in any of the dire forecasts; I'm just finding it very draining to be surrounded by such high volumes of pessimism and alarmism. My glumness only deepened when I watched part of Oprah (for the story on the Rosenblat Holocaust memoir hoax) and learned that some people will be celebrating Obama's inauguration. I realized that a lot of people are actually living their lives right now, in spite of the economy and in spite of Gaza and in spite of Iraq. They actually have hope for the future. It was a refreshing change.

When I brought this stuff up to RD, he assumed I was "dissing" his friends and called me a shallow, selfish bitch. Obama is a cunt. Fuck America. They've murdered a million Iraqis. I shouldn't be watching Lost like all the imperialists, I should be looking at photos of dead Palestinian children.

Somehow, this did not cheer me up.

But it's no one else's job to make me feel better. That's my job. I might just pop some popcorn and celebrate the inauguration all by myself.

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