Sunday, December 7, 2008

"Its the Law" [sic] Part II

This Tim NcNiven thing is getting even stupider. Thankfully, everyone has realized now that he's just a little *off* and they're ignoring him, which of course just makes him angrier. He's convinced that whatever information he holds about airline emergency preparedness and 9/11 is invaluable, and that the Truth movement is deliberately suppressing it.

Anyway, below is an excerpt from an email he sent to RD today (in reply to RD's query about his affiliations). It kinda-sorta explains why he seems to think he's a federal agent:

"I Testified in US Federal Court that I am in fact a US Federal Agent. This was a Federal Felony even before the Patriot Act that the members of the 9-11 truth movement say turned America into a Political Police State like Nazi Germany. The fact that I wasnot Arrest for this Federal Felony is proof that my US Federal Court Testimony was true because if it wasnot I would have been Arrested for Impersonating a US Federal Agent..."

In other words:
1. He testified in court.
2. During his testimony, he made a statement that could be false, and if false would be illegal because it was presumably given under oath.
3. No one arrested him.
4. Therefore, what he said must be true.

If there is other, actual, evidence that McNiven was/is a "US Federal Agent", he seems unwilling to provide it. His whole schtick centers around some 1976 military study and this stupid lawsuit, which I believe was thrown out by the judge at some point.

Friday, December 5, 2008

"Its the Law" [sic].

Well, RD has lessened his Truth activities considerably, but of course he's still going to various rallies and town hall meetings and whatnot to spread the word. And he's still getting crazy-ass emails from associates and friends. Today RD woke me by announcing that one Truther aquaintance, Wayne in British Columbia, had just been informed that he will be arrested the next time he enters the U.S. How did he know this? A "federal agent", possibly a U.S. Marshal, had sent an email to John Boncourt (Splitting the Sky, formerly known as John Hill) to inform him, and STS had forwarded the email to RD and others. I was totally alarmed, of course.

But then the story got weirder and weirder as I listened to RD, and it completely unravelled when I read the email for myself. It turns out that whoever wrote this isn't *exactly* working in any official capacity. Following are some excerpts from the email, misspellings and funky capitaliziation intact. Supposedly this guy, who calls himself Tim McNiven, had set up a meeting with Wayne. But then he goes on to say the meeting would be illegal. The rest of the email in no way clarifies any of this nonsense; I don't know what the 1976 "Military Study" could be or why McNiven thinks he can have unofficial military and/or federal business with anyone, and frankly I'm not very interested. This whole situation is as silly and hoaxy as a freakin' Jackalope.

"I am a United States Federal Agent and you donot have the Legal Authority to conduct business in concerns to my US Military Mission; setting up this meeting with Wayne constitutes a Federal Felony and you must remember in the future that you have no say in anything that has to do with my US Federal Business, its the Law. At this time I have no US Federal Business with Wayne or the American 9-11 truthers; I am performing the Duties of my US Military Mission that I received the Non-Rescindable Orders for during the 1976 US Military Study which has top priority. After I have finished it, I can then begin Arresting those who have Sabotaged my Mission; it is a US Federal Felony to Sabotage a US Military Mission during a time of War and the Censorship of my information by Kevin Barrett, David Ray Griffin, Robin Hordon, Jim Fetzer, Kyle Hence, Les Jamison, Luke Rudkowski, Janice Matthews and the rest of the American 9-11 truthers constitutes Sabotage of a US Military Mission during a time of War; just because it is "my" US Military Mission doesnot mean it isnot governed under US Federal Law. The next US Federal Business I will be having with Wayne is issuing an Arrest Warrant for him as a Coconspirator to the Acts of Treason that Kevin Barrett and the other American 9-11 truthers have committed and to seek his extradition to America to stand Trial."

Then it actually gets weirder and even less coherent...

"Last year I had considered making a video of my US Military Study information to post online for "free" and contacted Robin Hordon since he was an old Air Traffic Controller to discuss the information the US Government gave to Civilians about the Air Security System and what the Government told us in the Military. During the Study we were told how the US Government could get around the Air Security System. Instead of answering my questions he sent me pages of his "personal" life philosophy. After two weeks of me trying to get a straight answer from him instead of more and more pages of his continued "personal" life philosophy he told me that he hadnot read any of the information I had sent him. He deliberately wasted my time and Sabotaged my US Military Mission which is the Federal Felony of Treason. I am a US Federal Agent whether Robin Hordon likes it or not and he is a Traitor according to US Federal Law for what he did. (What does being told about the love lives of the 9-11 truthers have to do with revealing the "truth" about the 9-11-01 Attacks?"

Now, Robin Hordon is a complete ass. He's just about the most paranoid fucktard I've ever met, and that's saying a lot. Earlier this year, when we visited him, he was all peace-and-granola friendly. Then, a few months later, RD gave an interview to the dreaded Mainstream Media which (surprise surprise) was transformed into a fluff/hit piece about the Truth movement in general, characterizing it as "cheap entertainment". Hordon was suddenly furious with RD, sending him so many hateful and bizarre emails that I pled with RD to block him. He accused RD of being "COINTELPRO". The real FBI COINTELPRO ended before I was even born, but Truthers and sundry other conspiranoids believe it's still going on. Hordon thinks everyone is COINTELPRO. He admitted to me that he won't work with any Truthers because every Truther in the Pacific Northwest, apparently, is COINTELPRO.
But is Hordon a Traitor for writing frivolous emails and wasting someone's time with them? Hell, I wish! Then I could declare myself a Federal Agent, announce that I'm on unofficial Military Business, and sue everyone who wastes my time with dumbass forwards about bears who adopt kittens.

Anyway, McNiven's main beef seems to be that Truthers are ignoring his own invaluable information: "In 2003 I provided US Federal Court Testimony about US Government 9-11-01 prior knowledge information and had that information proven to be true by the Official US Government Legal Decisions of US Federal Judge Rebreno and US Attorney General John Ashcroft; why have you and the 9-11 truth movement Censored this proven to be true in US Federal Court information?" Apparently, he testified for a RICO lawsuit brought by Ellen Mariani in 2003.

Mariani is a 9/11 widow and Truther who hired Philip J. Berg to represent her in her lawsuit against Bush, Cheney, et. al. Berg is the dude who announced, shortly before the U.S. election, that he would be releasing an audiotape of Obama's paternal grandmother revealing that her grandson was born in Kenya and is, indeed, not a U.S. citizen. So where's the tape? Well, there were, ah, technical difficulties.

McNiven IDs himself only as a "U.S. Federal Agent" in the letter, but on his website Codename Grillfire (which I haven't read in its entirety yet), he says he's a DoD Intelligence operative. Whatever.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Banned Fer Life

RD was offended and bummed out that 911Blogger wouldn't publicize the conference; was he being blacklisted for some reason? I didn't think so. I knew that Barrett bad been removed from the 911Blogger blogroll back in May of this year, so I suspected this involved only Barrett.

And I was right. The administrator, "Reprehensor" (who, it turns out, met RD at the Vancouver conference a couple years ago), phoned RD today to explain that three people have been permanently blacklisted from 911Blogger:

1. Bill Deagle. For being an all-around whackjob. Talks about bioplasmatic astral entities, micronukes bringing down the World Trade Center towers, and modified attack baboons. Claims he's one of the two witnesses described in the book of Revelation, and that Pindar the Reptilian Overlord asked him to be his understudy on three occasions.
2. Alfred Webre. For believing in ultra-weird sh** like "time travel whistleblowers" and the "black nobility" (Danish and Belgian Satanists who secretly control almost everything). I asked him to clarify his definition of the Black Nobility in Vancouver, and he just mumbled something like, "Well, um, they're Danish. And they're Satanists." Later he called me an "accessory after the fact to war crimes" because I questioned his contention that chemtrails are designed to make people more suggestible. (He told us at the conference that Vancouver had been sprayed heavily in the days leading up to the conference. Never mind that wind patterns and ever-changing atmospheric conditions wouldn't make such controlled spraying easy or at all practical.)
3. Kevin Barrett. For dissing the site on at least one occasion, co-hosting a radio show with Professor Jim "Holographic Airplanes" Fetzer, and having guests like John Lear and Laura Knight-Jadczyk (an alleged alien contactee/cult leader/scam artist) on his shows.

RD was surprised by the inclusion of Webre, because he was actually quite impressed by Webre's plan to set up a Citizen's 9/11 Tribunal. Nothing has come of that concept so far, however, and when I told RD more about Webre's beliefs in the Black Nobility, "walk-ins" (people who are possessed by aliens), time-travel whistleblowers, children who can kill with the power of their minds, etc., he finally decided it would be best to remove the dude from his Facebook list.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Raining on the Parade

I'd forgotten how difficult it can be to take an ethical stance when everyone around you either doesn't want to address the issues, or doesn't give a shit about them. It makes me wonder why I even bother. It won't change anything, and I'll just be branded a meddlesome bitch who's trying to undermine everyone's hard work.

Barrett sent an email to RD yesterday in which he insisted that nearly everything in his Wikipedia entry (aside from his birthdate) is incorrect, and that he didn't write the infamous Holocaust letter. But then he went on to say that when he referred to the Holocaust as a "myth", he meant "myth" in the scholarly, academic sense, just as 9/11 is a myth. But wait. Didn't he say he didn't write the letter?! So where and when did he refer to Holocaust education as a "myth"?! And he's a Truther, so clearly he believes that the conventional knowledge of 9/11 is a real myth, right? I'm more confused than ever.

I'm also more disturbed about Holocaust denialism and anti-semitism within the Truth movement. My digging yesterday unearthed more examples:

- Eric D. Williams was the original organizer of the 2007 9/11 Accountability conference in Chandler, AZ, until controversy over his book The Puzzle of Auschwitz surfaced. But he still attended the conference, and panelists fiercely defended him against charges of denialism, demanding that a journalist who asked questions about his involvement in the conference be removed. This, despite the fact that Sander Hicks spotted a swastika on his laptop screensaver. While he doesn't want to be called a denier, Williams believes Treblinka and two other camps never existed and that Auschwitz was a comfy place complete with a swimming pool for prisoners (it was actually for guards). On the Meria radio show, he asked the usual revisionist questions: Why was the plaque at Auschwitz changed from 1.1 million to 6 million? How could the ovens have cremated so many bodies?
Is his book a scholarly examination of the Holocaust, though? You decide. It references Institute for Historical Review material and David Icke.

- Truth activist Don Harkins of Idaho defended David Duke for attending a denial conference in Tehran in 2006.

- Eric Hufschmid wrote one of the first books on 9/11 Truth, Painful Questions. Hufschmid refuses to self-identify as a Holocaust denier, but his other work speaks for itself. Most disturbingly, Truthers still reference and defend Painful Questions and set aside the issue of Hufschmid's other opinions as "irrelevant". One such Truther is Kevin Barrett. As late as last year, he asked Amy Goodman to sign his copy of the book (she politely declined, but told him she supports a new investigation into 9/11). This was right before he said she should be convicted of war crimes and publicly hung (he later apologized for the hyperbole, but not the statements themselves).

- Captain Eric May writes on "the Jewish problem" and the "Zionist-controlled media". He also regularly issues false flag operation warnings that turn out to be bunk. May insists he's not anti-semitic (are you noticing a pattern here?), because he's referring to a minority of Jews and also criticizes Christian Zionists.

All of these people are still embraced by the majority of Truthers. I'm getting the feeling that when Barrett's attendance at this conference is put to a vote this weekend, I'll forever after be known not as the person who took a stand against what I know to be wrong (affiliation with anti-semitism and Holocaust denial, questioning the reality of the Holocaust), but as the bitch who ruined this wonderful conference and tried to silence the voice of Truth. Even RD argued that he doesn't know anything about Hufschmid, so why should it matter what else he believes? Why shouldn't his work be held in esteem alongside David Ray Griffin's? He argued that nearly every Truther holds some aberrant belief that others could find objectionable (Mormonism, UFOs, God-like powers in the case of David Shayler, etc.), so why should someone be ignored on the basis of their beliefs or questions about the Holocaust?

I don't know. They just should. When it comes to Holocaust denial, racism, hate, etc., all bets are off for me. I have a line in the sand. Barrett, to my mind, has crossed it. I want nothing to do with him. Period.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm Out

The Truth conference here is just 3 weeks away, and as of today I have completely removed myself from every aspect of it. I was going to help out where needed on the day of the conference, despite my distaste for some of the comments made by Kevin Barrett about Amy Goodman and others (he hopes to see them tried for war crimes and publicly hung). But looking deeper into his thoughts on the Holocaust, I am sickened. I was already aware of the email in which he referred to Holocaust education as a "destructive myth" and said he could "not dismiss the claims of Green, Irving, even Zundel". That was bad enough. Now I have learned that, when he was still head of the Muslim Jewish Christian Alliance, he regularly posted the boy-who-cried-wolf "false flag operation" warnings of Captain Eric May... a guy who writes about "the Jewish problem" and the "Zionist-controlled media".
He also (in a Feb. 2007 newsletter) referenced Bin Laden's denial of 9/11 involvement via and Carol A. Valentine. This website is full of Holocaust revisionist links (Barnes Review, IHR, Zundelsite, etc.) and features a page on "The American Coup d'Etat and the War for Jewish Supremacy". The most disturbing aspect of this is that Barrett could have gotten the same info from a number of non-revisionist sites, including Prison Planet and

An anti-Truther in the area has already contacted the conference venue to warn them that a "Holocaust Denier" will be in attendance, and he reports (truthfully?) that the venue owners will halt the conference if any Holocaust-related statements are uttered. This has caused some stress to R. and the other promoters, who hired Barrett strictly for his 9/11 expertise. R. points out to me, correctly, that Barrett is scheduled to speak about covert operations in relation to 9/11, not WWII or anything related to it. That's true. It is also true that Barrett founded and headed the MUJCA as an interfaith organization, that he denies being anti-Semitic and has even expressed disdain for anti-Semitism.
But I am deeply, deeply disturbed by the number of connections between Barrett and the revisionist/denialist movement. I want no part of this conference and will not be attending or supporting it in any way from this day forward. Whatever R. and the other organizers decide to do about this is their own business; R. is planning to call an emergency meeting and put Barrett's participation in the conference to a vote.

My decision is made.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

News Flash

Kevin Barrett's radio show on the Republic Broadcast Network has been cancelled. I don't know if this has been announced yet - I don't think it has - but he's already been removed from the list of shows on the RBN website.
He says it's because he refused to be anti-semitic on the air, in accordance with the founder's wishes. I dunno. How would he have been hired in the first place, then?

Monday, July 7, 2008

The End?

RD is planning to give up most of his 9/11 activism after the conference in September. He believes a group of more radical young guys are trying to take over the Civil Information-based group here in Edmonton and turn into their brand of Alex-Jones street evangelism and disruption. I don't know if that's actually what's happening or not, but there's certainly no denying that the radical element is on the rise these days. Alex Jones just made a film glorifying all the Truthers who get arrested, get into fistfights, and take over Wal-Mart intercoms (yep, the Calgary punk is featured in an Alex Jones film! And he was interviewed on Jones's show recently, as well)
RD has said many times that "now the Alex Jones cult that overshadows common sense rules the day and will ultimately destroy the good of the 9/11 truth movement in my opinion." And because of the nasty criticism and ridiculous comments he has received from his Civil Information "partner" Robin, the senile old fool in Calgary who thinks the Wal-Mart activism is a "crackerjack" idea.
RD has already resigned from the March on Ottawa, the CI blog, and as the 9/11 grassroots contact for Edmonton. He plans to continue working with a small group of trusted friends in the city, but will shut down his website in September (after the conference).
I'm worried about this. Will he remain bitter and angry and obsessed with these betrayals and not get over it? Or will he, as I hope, move on to some new activity that also uses his skills, energy, and talents?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Calgary Blues

RD is in a VERY BAD mood today because he's been getting nothing but flak from near-strangers in Calgary. The Truthers down there think they're divine and are always offering "constructive criticism" to RD and other Edmonton Truthers. One semi-senile man keeps telling him "You made a big mistake calling Glenn Beck a such-and-such", but RD never called Glenn Beck a such-and-suck and has no freakin' clue what the old guy is talking about. You see the problem.

This is what RD wrote to one of the little Calgary punks who wants to "help" Edmonton:
"Hi [Calgary Truther]... I've changed my mind on involving you with our small group here in Edmonton. You stated nothing is happening in Edmonton and you were going to change that. I take offence to that statement and suggest you take your agenda back to [another Calgary Truther who likes to infiltrate Wal-Mart intercoms] and work with his group. Perhaps film your own Walmart activism hit piece, I hear [the senile guy] will give you a hundred bucks for that sort of activism..."

And here was the boy's response (I'm sure he's a boy, 'cause Calgary Truthers don't seem to be older than 19):

The reason why you have no one doing anything in edmonton with you is because of that attitude. you can't take a little criticism, even a two year old has more of a back bone then you do. Take offence all you want but i guess the truth hurts sometimes. Im here to inject some life and drive into edmonton 911 truth. And i am one of those people that will be there all the time. Its sad to see that just cause someone says your not doing enough you act childish and say you cant help out. This is the neocon attitude that we don't need in the truth movement. you remind me of some of the cops in truth rising, and that is really sad to see. So man i guess what im saying is you can't afford to take everything to heart. Do you give up just cause someone tells you your stupid and 911truth is bullshit. FUCK NO. If i let the thousands of people that have said that to me bring me down and not to grow from it, then i would have no place in this movement. a little food for thought.

He's got a point about one thing: RD needs to blog these fuckers' emails and ignore them entirely. Their nonsense isn't worth the aggravation.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

9/11 Truth + Mainstream Media = Big Ol' Mess

A couple days ago RD broke his oath to his fellow Civil Information activists by agreeing to be interviewed by a local novelist/newspaper columnist named Todd Babiuk. (They all swore not to cooperate in any way with "mainstream media", since the "MSM" has refused thus far to take their issues seriously or to investigate 9/11 the way they feel it should be investigated). He and Babiuk work for the same paper. Babiuk had introduced himself to RD on the street a month or two ago, expressing interest in what he was doing, but the interview request came rather out of the blue: He phoned RD before noon and asked to meet him at 2:00 the same afternoon. With little time to consider, RD agreed. Afterwards he fretted that the column would just be a hit piece, which of course it was. It was titled "9/11 Conspiracy Theories are a Source of Cheap Entertainment", or something like that, and implied that people become Truthers only because they're bored with karaoke and TV. Also, he hinted that they're enabling terrorists by not actively opposing them as much as the rest of the non-Arab population does. This is a crass mischaracterization of Truthers, but never mind that. I knew Babiuk wasn't on the level and that's not the point of this post. My real aggravation is caused by Robin Hordon's response to all this. We met Robin in his hometown recently and he came across as just the nicest, most amiable activist ever - unfailingly polite, patient, and honest. He is a tad paranoid about COINTELPRO infiltration and that's why he refuses to work with other Truthers in his part of the world, but other than that he's fine. Until today. In response to Babiuk's column, he blamed RD for the whole thing (in CAPITAL LETTERS), scolded him, told him "I STRONGLY suggest you take advantage of this and hold a FREE screening" of some 9/11 films this summer just to make a mockery of the "cheap entertainment" jab, tattled on RD's "misbehaviour" to Kevin Barrett for some strange reason, and made some snide comment about "the Zionist Babiuk." I have no idea what that means. He's not Jewish, I don't think, and Zionism wasn't mentioned in the column aside from the comment that some Truthers (as RD attests) are anti-Semites who still believe The Protocols of the Elders of Zion to be genuine. Perhaps he was referring to the fact that the newspaper is owned by a Jewish family.

At any rate, Robin was horribly rude and parent-like about the whole thing and I'm pretty pissed off with him. RD was nervous enough about the fallout of the interview - he asked me not to show it to any members of our family or anyone we know, lest his father somehow learn that he's mentioned in it - without Robin getting all high and mighty and paranoid. He even said RD came across sounding COINTELPRO. I'm so sick of Truthers carping at each other. If they would just cooperate with each other and get whatever it is they're doing done...

Insane Childish Bullsh**

Above is a tee RD designed earlier this year with his friend Robin, for distribution and sale to their fellow Truthers. They worked on various designs for about a month, and at one point RD balked at including a peace symbol in the design because Wikipedia mentions that "The Cross of Nero" is a broken, upside-down Christian cross and whatnot. Satanic-panic bunkum. Yeah, the peace symbol is derived from older symbols with Paganish connotations... so what isn't? The swastika, ancient Asian symbol of longevity, was used and abused by the Nazis, but that doesn't mean the symbol can never be used again! It's the modern-day context that counts. When people see the peace symbol these days they don't think "Broken upturned cross. Satan. Devil. Hellfire." They think "Deadheads. Bad acid. Birkenstocks. Organic. Hemp." RD knew this, but he also knows the ultra-paranoid mindset of a vocal portion of the Truther crowd, and he worried about offending or frightening those people. As a self-proclaimed anti-Satanic Panic crusader, I told RD I would be sooooo pissed if he left off the peace sign. It would be pandering to paranoia and ignorance! Giving in to ill-informed superstition! He finally agreed with me, and so did Robin. Robin's take on the whole question was "Screw it, we'll use the peace sign." He's been a peace activist for decades - why the hell wouldn't he use the peace sign?
Anyway, things went along nicely for a long time. Truthers liked the shirts and wore them proudly. Then, out of the BLUE, RD received an email from his buddy Wayne, one of the guys who co-blogs with him about their activism, and this letter was basically a rehash of every silly rumour, half-truth, and paranoid delusion about the peace sign ever invented. A few tidbits:
- It's the Aldermaston Peace Symbol, old in origin but resurrected for a youth peace rally in 1958 by Bertrand Russell. Russell didn't like Christianity (duh) and "knew a lot about occultism". I've been hearing this Russell-as-occultist thing a lot lately. You'd think dissidents and anti-war activists of any stripe would really dig Russell, but apparently his critical intelligence and involvement with Fabian socialism freaks the hell out 'em. Ah, well. Their loss.
- Hitler ordered that the gravestones of killed SS military personnel during the war had to have the Aldermaston Symbol on them.
- The symbol's origin is German paganism; it is a rune-sign that pictured "death." (so?)
- John Knox thought that the symbol was the mark of the beast. (again, so?)
- Being "equal to the Nero Cross", it's the symbol of hatred against the Bible and Christianity through the ages.
- In 1917 the Bolsheviks painted the Nero Cross on the doors of the churches they had closed.
- In 1099 the Muslims fought under this symbol against the Crusaders who invaded The Holy Land. (well, what's paranoia without a little racism thrown in, eh?)
And perhaps weirdest of all...
- "In Switzerland there is a big building that is divided into 3 parts. If you look at it from above it looks like a peace symbol or Rune. This is the headquarters of the United Nations and the World Bank, the third part is the World headquarters of Freemasonry. It's so convenient they can go back and forth between coffee breaks."
Wayne also objected to the color blue, because it is used by the UN. And a later shirt design that includes a dove flying away from the towers is objectionable, in part, because "Columbe = Dove. According to noted occultist Madame Blavatsky, the dove is one of several birds, including the phoenix, associated with scorpio, mystical counterpart of the winged serpent or phoenix."
In conclusion, Wayne wrote, "Sorry, but the UN, it's [sic] light blue color, fake peace symbol and deceptive dove are in my No Fly Zone."
This from the dude who wants their blog logo to be a CIA symbol with a chicken in place of an eagle, because "Roosters wake people up."
Oh, OK, so when designing T-shirts we'll just rely on the bottomless wisdom of David Icke and the good word of Madame Blavatsky, a Victorian toad who pretended to be in contact with Ascended Masters, or maybe dip into old Warner Brothers cartoons for inspiration because all other imagery is of Pagan-Satanic-Nazi-financial origin! Righty-o! Makes sense to me!

Faux Calls: One of the Worst 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ever

Today I was dismayed to learn that RD accepts the theory that the passengers on Flight 93 didn't really call their families and friends from the plane, that voiceprint technology was used to create one-sided imposter messages, that cell phones couldn't possibly work on planes in 2001, etc. (He cited "scientific" studies by two 9/11 researchers - A.K. Dewdney was one of them - to support that.) I really don't get this theory. It's far too complicated. First off, if you're staging a false flag terrorist hijacking and want to make it look authentic, you don't have to have fake messages to the passengers' loved ones - people wouldn't really expect there to be calls from the plane, right? RD's explanation is that the government needed a "hero story" to give 9/11 that extra boost, to really get folks to rally 'round the war flag. I admit he has a point - "Let's roll!" was exploited to death by the administration in its push for war. But fake phone calls are far from necessary. RD's secondary explanation is that the plane was shot down, and the Powers That Be had to come up with an excuse for why the plane crashed. So they made up a tale about some heroes who decided to take back control of their plane, sending the pilots into a panicky dive. Either way, the faux calls theories don't make much sense.

I pointed out that it should be easy to analyze the recordings of the Flight 93 calls to determine if they're spliced from other conversations or whatever, but he says researchers just don't have the funds for that. They've been working with very limited resources. "You get up the money and do that research!" he said.
"Well, I don't want to. I'm just saying."

I am The Enemy

Originally published May 16/08

Well, the verdict is in: Kevin Barrett will be the keynote speaker at the mini-conference. The professor from Lethbridge will also be speaking, I think.

Today RD received an invitation from a new local Truther to have lunch with himself and Kevin Annett, the former United Church minister who alleges a nationwide campaign of genocide and abuse was carried out in Canada's Residential Schools. RD saw a documentary about these alleged abuses online sometime last week, and mentioned his horror to the new Truther, who happens to know Annett. Annett is also a Truther.
RD asked me if I wanted to join them, since child abuse/clerical abuse issues are very important to me, and I snapped, "No, I'm not welcome. I'm the enemy." I confess this was partly jealousy. I've been closely following and studying such issues for years, and here's Johny-come-lately having lunch with Kevin Annett! It's not right! In fact, RD continuously told me not to be so anti-Catholic, just because I felt the Vatican erred by rejecting the U.S. bishops' decent plan for dealing with abuse problems in American churches.
But we didn't bicker over that. We argued about my use of the word "enemy". RD insists the majority of Truthers see me as a potential recruit and a person with a right to make up her own mind, not as the enemy. Never mind that I've been called an "accessory to war crimes after the fact" by a prominent Truther/exopolitician. Never mind that the first time she clapped eyes on me, RD's Truther friend Barb laid a sympathetic hand on his shoulder and said, "It must be so hard for you to be with someone who doesn't GET IT." Never mind that when RD told one local Truther I wasn't a believer yet, he cheerfully said, "Well, fuck her." Yes, there are some lovely and tolerant Truthers out there - I know several and am very friendly with them - but let's face it, most of them want nothing to do with a firm non-believer.
Yes, I AM the enemy. I accept reality. I know that Truthers aren't suddenly going to say to me, "Oh oopsy-doodle, you're not the AntiChrist, maybe we made a mistake."

I know this. I understand. And I'm OK with it.
If thinking with my own brain instead of David Ray Griffin's brain or Alex Jones's brain makes me The Enemy, so freakin' be it.

Anyway, on to other news. On Air America last week, Steven Jones said his theory is that the World Trade Center was brought down not by thermate, as he has attempted to prove, but by radio-activated nanothermate. Unlike plain ol' thermate, it's explosive. Apparently this stuff really exists, unlike the nanobacteria and scalar weaponry other conspiranoids talk about, but I know nothing whatsoever about it. RD has bought into Jones's new theory already, at least partially, since it finally allows for Jones's thermate theory to explain the pre-collapse explosive sounds Truthers are always talking about.

I'm relieved that RD isn't into the other conspiracy theories so popular among Truthers: chemtrails, depopulation schemes of the global elite, Illuminati occult ritual mind control assassination training, etc. Yesterday I played for him a few minutes of a cable access TV show out of Austin, The Freeman Perspective, in which host "Freeman" tried to explain that Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears are mind-controlled slaves and that Anna Nicole's baby might have been a fatherless "moonchild" summoned to her womb by a Crowleyan Satanic ritual. Um. 'Kay. RD just finds hooey like this extremely annoying, and asked me to turn it down after about 5 minutes.

Update: By an odd coincidence, we ran into Kevin Annett on vacation and I was able to arrange a local speaking engagement for him.

I Say, Son, I Like My Truth Extra-Crispy!

The new face of 9/11 Truth?
Today RD is facing three pressing issues:
1. The local Truth group is sponsoring a "mini conference" this September, but the keynote speaker is still up in the air. Will it be Kevin Barrett, who's available and willing? Will it be Richard Gage, who's willing but might be jetting to Europe? Or will it be a professor from Lethbridge? RD's pulling for Barrett, who's a nice enough guy....but. He has said he wants to someday see those who had any foreknowledge of 9/11 hung publicly from gallows, including Amy Goodman, so we have two possibilites here: 1) He has twisted sense of humour (fine with me!), or 2) He's a stark, raving psychopath. He also has some "questions" about the Holocaust, tho he's not a full-on denier. I'm just not sure this is a dude I want sleeping on my couch, y'know?
2. There's all kinds of trouble agreeing on a logo for the 9/11 blog RD and some friends share (Robin Hordon and about 5 others). Since RD is quite the artist and has done commercial design before, he worked up a decent one with input from the other guys about a month ago. Everybody approved it except for RD's friend Wayne, so back to the drawing board. Then yesterday Wayne came up with a very polished design that's a takeoff on the CIA emblem...with a chicken instead of an eagle. Wayne says it's fitting because "Roosters wake people up." RD couldn't stop laughing and wrote a joshing letter to Wayne about how they can't very well use Colonel Sanders tactics to enlighten the masses. Wayne was not amused. In fact he's pissed. Wayne is pissed off a lot at Richard, most recently because RD (not having a background in conspiracy theorizing like his co-Truthers) didn't know what the hell "psyops" and COINTELPRO were.
I hope these issues are resolved ASAP, 'cause I'm damn sick of hearing "Barrett? Or Gage? Barrett? Or Gage?" and "Chicken? Or something else?"